Zhejiang Realsun Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.
Zhejiang Realsun Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.
The  safety industrial  technology of  using  sodium in catalysis and synthesis
Chemical synthesis and industrial application of organolithium
Reactions at ultralow temperature, non-water/oxidizing conditions
Chemical synthesis of acetylene and acetylene in carbonylation
The industrial production of Cl chemicals and derivatives
Cyanidation & hydrogenation
Coupling engineering of Continuous ester hydrogenation and dehydrogenation
Continuous ester ammoniation reaction engineering
Clean production engineering and comprehensive utilization of by-product, circulation

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  • CPhI &ICSE China 2014
  • Frankfurt for CPhI Worldwide 2013, Booth No: 51D55
  • CPhI &ICSE China 2013
  • Madrid for CPhI Worldwide 2012, Booth No: 3G67
  • CPhI & BioPh China 2012, Booth No: W2A38
  • The first phase project of Chuangnan New plant is scheduled to be completed and putinto trial operations in August.2011
  • CPhI &ICSE China 2011


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